Beautiful, eye catching designs that will get your business noticed.

When it comes to Graphic Design Solutions for your business, look no further than Bracha Designs.

Specializing in Graphic Design Logo Design and Branding Ad Design Business Card Design Brochure Design Banner Design Artwork Recreation Logo Recreation

Have questions about your design? We love to help. Reach out below.


Award Winning Designs that are sure to stand out from the competition

In today’s fast paced world, we’re served information a mile a minute from all directions. It’s in our books, our devices, and all around us in our environment. Every company has a message to convey and a product or service to sell and we’re bombarded with hundreds, if not thousands of advertisements daily. So how do you stick out of the crowd and stay ahead of the competition? With eye catching, compelling designs that not only draw in attention, but clearly convey the message the advertisement is trying to state.

If you want to truly stand out, you’ll need to work with a company that understands the fundamentals and psychology behind good graphic design and marketing. Bracha Designs is that company. With decades of experience working with thousands of clients from every industry, our award-winning designers know how to create designs that not only look good, but that get your message across clearly and convert more leads into sales.

See all the different graphic design solutions we offer below or check out our Design Portfolio get some ideas on what we can design for you.

Here are all the design solutions we can offer your business

A large part of successfully marketing your brand is ensuring you have eye catching, cohesive designs across all your marketing materals. That’s why Bracha Designs offers design options for pretty much every aspect of your business. You already wear enough hats in running your business – let us handle making it look good.

Graphic Design Services in Long Island NY

Graphic Design

With years of experience, hundreds of happy clients, and an eye for detail, our award-winning designers at Bracha Designs can design anything you need.

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Best Logo Design in Long Island NY

Logo Design and Branding

Your company’s branding and logo are the foundation for successful marketing. Whether you have a new company or it’s time for rebrand, we’ll design a logo and branding design that’s cutting edge and innovative.

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Best Advertising Design in Long Island NY

Advertisement Design

Whether for print, web, or social media, we can design advertisements for you that not only look great, but will lead to more sales. Our designers not ony know what looks good, they know what sells.

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Best Business Card Design in Long Island NY

Business Card Design

The original calling card, the business card is still a very vital part of networking, even in the digtial age. We’ll create original, eye catching designs that will impress and get you more prospects.

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Best Brochure Design in Long Island NY

Brochure Design

A well designed brochure can tell prospective clients a lot about your company without being overwhelming. We create some of the best brochure designs in the industry that will be sure to impress.

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Large Format Design in Long Island NY

Banner & Large Format Design

When you need to display your brand’s message on a banner or other large format for millions to see, you want to make sure it’s designed right and engages the audience. Our professionals will make sure to give you exactly that.

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Artwork Recreation Services in Long Island NY

Artwork Recreation

If you’ve had something designed before and have lost the print files, or need to make slight modifications but can’t get a hold of the original designer, our designers can recreate your artwork with near-perfect accuracy.

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Logo Recreation Services

Logo Recreation

Having your company logo files in the necessary formats for print and web are almost as important as having the login to your servers. Unfortunately these files get lost quite often. Luckily, our designers can recreate your logo with near-perfect accuracy and provide you all the files you’ll need.

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Got a design job we can help you with? Awesome! Let’s talk!

Don't think good design is important for your business' success?

Consider the following…


First impressions that are design-related


Percentage of companies that are trying to beat their competitors using design.


Percentage of people that say visuals are the number one influencing factor affecting a purchasing decision

Human brains process visual data 60,000 times faster than text data

What do you get with every design by Bracha Designs?

  • Beautiful Modern Design

    All designs use the latest design trends and standards

  • 100% Original Design

    We don’t use any boring cookie cutter templates. All designs are 100% custom created for each client.

  • Stock Photography

    All stock photos used on your design will be 100% licensed so you never have to worry about copyright issues. You get an unlimited amount of photos from our library of millions of photos.

  • Unlimited Revisions

    We believe everyone should 100% happy with their design. That’s why we don’t put a limit on how many rounds of revisions you get. Within reasonability.

  • Perfectly Sized Design

    We make sure to design exactly to your size specifications so ther are no issues later

  • High Quality Print-Ready Files

    We provide high resolutions files with bleed so that whether you choose to print with us or another printer, your files will be print-ready.

Frequently Asked Graphic Design Questions

What makes a good design?

Great question! There is no simple answer, as a good design will be dependent on your needs. It’s important that it looks professional, clean, and uses modern design trends (so it doesn’t look dated). But the most important aspect in deciding if a design is good is if it properly conveys the message it’s intended to – whether that be sell a product or service, or something else.

How much does a design cost?

That’s like asking how much a house or a car is. It’s a very general question and will depend on how extensive and complicated a design job is. For instance, a logo design requires a lot more time, research and energy than a business card design. Therefore logo design would cost significantly more. As a general guidelines, many designs start at $75 and go up from there.

Do you use templates for your designs?

Never! All designs are 100% original and custom tailored for each one of our clients’ needs.

I found a design I like. Can you just copy that design for me?

We create all designs to be 100% original and custom tailored. Copying another artist’s designs is not only unethical, it can lead to copyright and legal issues. If you have a design you like, we can definitely use it as inspiration for your design, but we will not outright copy it. 


I have an old design file and I just need someslight tweaks. Can you help?

If you have the original design files, or can get them from the original designer, then sure. If you don’t this can be problematic as all the capbilities to move objects around and edit text are missing. In most cases, it would be best to get the original design files, or ask the original designer to make the tweaks, or just recreate the design.


How many design concepts do I get with my design?

Generally you’ll get one. We’re happy to make as many tweaks as needed until you’re happy with the final result. Logo design gets 5-7 concepts generally. If you’d like more concepts can be designed for an additioanl fee.


How many revisions do I get with my design?

We want you to be 100% satisfied with your design. That’s why we don’t set a limit on how many revisions you get.


Can't I just use one of those online design tools? Why do I need to hire a professional?

Today there are many resources online that allow someone with no design background or software to create designs. But unless you are a trained professional that understands the psychology behind design and selling, these resources will not yield you promising results. Many of these designs have been overdone as well as many people tend to use the same cookie cutter templates. You’ll also find that these online resources do not give you print-ready files. You’ll either have to know how to set these up yourself or pay for the additional service. Your best bet for maximum ROI is to hire a professional.

Do I get the original design files?

Generally, no. While you are welcomed to the print-ready files, we retain the rights to all of our designs unless we release them. Most people wouldn’t have the necessary software to make edits or tweaks on their own anyways. We’re happy to make any adjustments when needed for a minimal cost. You may also choose to purchase the full rights to the design and get all the original design files associated with it.