Door Hanger Design

Get Designs that Hang onto Attention with our Impactful Door Hanger Design.

Door Hanger Design Long Island

The Unique Appeal of Door Hanger Marketing

Engaging Locals Right at Their Doorstep

In a world where advertisements are everywhere, from our screens to our mailboxes, door hangers offer a fresh approach to reaching an audience. Their strategic placement guarantees visibility, ensuring your message isn’t lost in the shuffle. However, the success of door hangers goes beyond mere placement. Design plays a pivotal role. At Bracha Designs, we harness the potential of this unique marketing medium. We merge creativity with understanding, crafting designs that not only grab attention but also resonate with the local audience. Whether you’re launching a new business, promoting a sale, or simply raising awareness, our door hanger designs ensure your message hangs prominently and effectively on every door.

What do you get with your door hanger design?

Original Designs

No boring cookie-cutter templates you find at DIY sites here. We create stunning, high quality door hangers specifically for your business that people will actually want to pick up and read.

Branded Designs

We make sure your door hangers is designed to match your existing branding. We’ll follow brand guidelines such as color and font choices for one cohesive look.

Free Stock Photos

We provide fully licensed professional stock photos. We know what kinds of photos will be most effective for your business and won’t use anything that has that boring old “stock photo” look.

Unlimited Revisions

We’ll work closely with you to finetune and polish up your door hanger design until you’re 100% satisfied.

Facts About Door Hangers

Don’t think door hangers are effective for hooking clients? Consider these facts.


of homeowners will take the time to read a door hanger placed on their handle, showcasing its high visibility.


of consumers have visited a local store or attended an event because of a promotional message they received via a door hanger.


of recipients perceive businesses that use door hanger marketing as being more community-focused and engaged with their local audience.


of local businesses find door hanger campaigns to be among the most cost-efficient methods for area-specific promotions.

Door Hanger Design Services Long Island

We not only design door hangers. We can print them them too.

We have many printing options for truly impressive door hangers people will want to grab off their door and read.

Size Options

We have many popular size options available, but also offer completely custom sizes as well to fit your exact needs.

Printing Options

We have lots of different paper stocks and unique printing options to make a truly unique looking door Hanger.

Die-Cut Options

We have different options for the shape in which to die-cut the door hanger to hang on the door knob.

Frequently Asked Door Hanger Design Questions

What makes a good door hanger design?

Designing a good door hanger can be very tricky as many times people will try to cram as much information into it as possible. Simply put, no one wants to read anymore. So we design door hangers that are visually striking and easy to read. This ensures the highest conversion rate.

How much is a door hanger design?

Typical door hanger design cost is $150+. Prices may vary depending on specific requests and number of concepts requested. Contact us for a quote.

How many concepts do I get with my door hanger design?

Typically one unless more are requested (for an additional price).

What happens if I don't like the design?

This rarely happens, but in the event that it does, we’ll happily provide you with an additional design concept.

How many revisions do I get?

We want you to be happy with your final door hanger design. Therefore we provide an unlimited amount of revisions (within reason) to your chosen concept.

What is the door hanger design process like?

We’ll ask you about your company – what it does, what it represents, and more. From there, we’ll ask you to provide your logo and brand guide, contact information, as well as all the copy you’d like in your postcard (if you need copy writing services, we have can provide this for an additional cost). Usually within 2-4 business days, we’ll send over your door hanger design and review it with you. We’ll adust and tweak based on your feedback until you’re happy. Once approved, we’ll discuss printing/mailing options we offer or send you final print ready files if you prefer to use your own printers.

Do you help with the copy writing of the door hanger?

Generally we ask that you provide the copy for the door hanger as no one knows your business and your product/service better than you. However, if needed, we do offer copy writing services at an additional cost. Learn more here.

Can't I just use one of those online design tools? Why do I need to hire a professional to design my door hanger?

Today there are many resources online that allow someone with no design background or software to design their own flyers. But unless you are a trained professional that understands the psychology behind design and selling, these resources will not yield you promising results. Many of these designs have been overdone as well as many people tend to use the same cookie cutter templates. In addition, we’ll advise you on what information to include so that your postcard isn’t crammed with copy. You’ll also find that these online resources do not give you print-ready files. You’ll either have to know how to set these up yourself or pay for the additional service. Your best bet for maximum ROI is to hire a professional.

I don't like my door hanger design. Do I still have to pay?

Yes, you are still required to pay the full agreed amount as we have spent the time, research and effort to provide you the design. If you do not like the design provided, we will be happy to provide you more options at no extra charge and work with you until you are 100% satisified.

Do I get the original files for my door hanger?

Generally, no. While you are welcomed to the print-ready files, we retain the rights to all of our designs unless we release them. Most people wouldn’t have the necessary software to make edits or tweaks on their own anyways. We’re happy to make any adjustments when needed for minimal or no cost. You may also choose to purchase the full rights to the design and get all the original design files associated with it.