Social Media Management

Drive traffic and boost sales through social media

Best Social Media Marketing Company in Long Island

Your customers spend a substantial amount of time on social media.

Use this to maximize your bottom dollar.

Having a social media page is not a social media strategy. It’s a tool to engage current and potential customers. You need an ACTUAL social media strategy – don’t let anyone tell you any different. And we’re not talking about posting a cute dog video once a week on Instagram with the hope that your customers think you’re as adorable as the dog. You need to answer important questions to your client base. What information are they looking for? What problem can you solve for them? And where do they want to find the solution?

Social media is just that – social. That means people interacting with other people, so to be successful you need to be sure your company is acting like a person, not a corporate entity. It’s important to start thinking about how you can express the human elements of your company.

2 hours and 27 minutes

hours spent on social media by the average user every day

According to a recent study, Americans spend over two hours on social media each day. Brands face increasing difficulty having their content seen on social media. Brands and companies need to humanize their social media marketing to differentiate them from their competition. Bracha Designs will set up your business profiles on leading social media platforms.  We will then identify your target audience, create an integrated strategy to expand your reach and engage clients with your  business on social media.

Bracha Designs will help you build and maintain the communication with your client base, and keep your online presence fresh with relevant content. We help establish trust and build relationships with potential buyers.

Social Media Management services in New York

Social media marketing takes time to produce quality and engaging content.

Some of the services Bracha Designs will include on your social media platforms are a mixture of:




Monitoring & Reporting

Call to Actions

If connecting with your current client base isn’t enough, Bracha Designs can provide the opportunity to target social media users to reach potential new customers.

Social Media Marketing can be the most influential and effective way to build your brand. Regardless of your industry, your consumers are using social media on a daily basis. We can deliver that two-way conversation between the brand and consumer that most clients and business owners crave.

Why use Bracha Designs for Social Media Management?

The benefits of working with Bracha Designs for Social Media Marketing and Management are to increase the awareness of your business and products, increase the web traffic to your social media accounts and website and generate more leads for your business. Additional benefits could be better rankings on major search engines, a higher reputation management score, and an overall increase on customer service to current and potential new clientele.
Social Media Marketing in New York
Social media management for small businesses
Social media management in Queens NY
Social Media management for Medical offices