Complete Website Packages

Don't have the first clue on what you'll need to get your website started? We can help.

All in one website solutions

All in One Website Solutions

Building a website can be daunting. There are many moving parts to getting a website online. You’ll need a domain name. You’ll need hosting. You’ll also need to make sure your site’s secured so you can do things like accept payments and pass sensitive information. You’ll also want a way to maintain your website and to figure out how to get your website found.

And we haven’t even included designing and developing the actual site.

If some of that seems confusing, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many business owners put off getting a website because they don’t even know where to start. There are many elements you need to run a website, and luckily Bracha Designs has your back with our complete website packages. Our all in one solutions are designed to make the process of getting a website as simple and easy as possible, all in one place. 

A lot goes into making and managing your website

You’ll need…

Domain Name

This is like your site’s address. It’s the part of your site


This is the server where your website files will exist

Website Design

This is what your actual site will look like. 

Website Development

This is programming your website design into HTML, the coding language.


SSL Certificate

This is an extra layer of security required to pass sensitive information


Search Engine Optimization

This helps to get your website found organically online

Software Updates

You’ll need to keep your website’s software up to date.


Content Updates

You’ll need to keep your website’s content relevant.

ADA Compliance

You’ll need to make sure your site is accessible to all your customers

Whew, that’s a lot!

Luckily, Bracha Designs offers all in one website solutions to make the whole process as simple and as easy as possible.

Complete website packages that fit your business needs

We take care of the whole process of getting your business online. We make it easy, quick, and painless.

Prices listed below are only estimates. Because no two sites are built alike, a final price will be determined based on your specific needs.

Website + Hosting

Website Designed with domain and hosting

Starting at $1500 initial setup, then $29/month

Website + Maintenance

Website Designed with domain and monthly content & software updates

Starting at $1500 initial setup, then $99/month
Hosting not included

Website + Hosting + Maintenance

Website Designed with domain, hosting and monthly content & software updates

Starting at $1500 initial setup, then $129/month

Website + SEO

Website Designed with domain and search engine optimization

Starting at $2000 initial setup, then $499/month min.
Hosting not included

Website + Hosting + SEO

Website Designed with domain, hosting and search engine optimization

Starting at $2000 initial setup, then $529/month min.

Website + SEO + Maintenance

Website Designed with domain, search engine optimization and monthly software & content updates

Starting at $2000 initial setup, then $599/month min.
Hosting not included

Website + Hosting + SEO + Maintenance

Website Designed with domain, hosting, search engine optimization and software & content updates

Starting at $2000 initial setup, then $629/month min.

Ultimate Website Package

Website Designed with domain, hosting, search engine optimization, software & content updates & ADA Compliance

Starting at $2000 initial setup, then $699/month min.

Let’s discuss the all in one website solution that’s best for you.

A website is just the first step in establishing your business' online precense.

Consider these additional services to get the most out of your website.

How do I make my website ADA compliant

ADA Compliance

Making sure your website is easily accessible to anyone with disabilities is important to make sure you’re reaching all your potential clients and avoiding any possible legal issues. We’ll get your website ADA compliant in no time with one simple, low-cost fee.

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Website Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

The most beautifully designed website wont do anything for you if no one is seeing it. We’ll come up with a unique SEO strategy for your business so it can be found online by your ideal target audience, complete with monthly reports so you know exactly whose finding you online and how.

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Website Maintenance for Small Businesses

Website Maintenance Plans

Websites require ongoing maintenance for new content and to ensure your software is up to date, in good health, and malware-free. We got you covered.

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See some of the hundreds of websites we've designed for our clients from all kinds of industries

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