Website Maintenance

Websites are constantly evolving and need to be maintained to ensure they stay up to date and in proper health.

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Get Peace of Mind Knowing Your Website is Managed and Maintained with Bracha Designs

The work that needs to be done to have a proper running website doesn’t end once it’s launched. If your website is like most websites, your website requires content to be updated from time to time. We live in a digital age where new digital content is being created every second. It’s not uncommon for someone to have to regularly update content on their site, whether it’s images, a blog, products, or news. The world moves fast – chances are your business moves just as fast – so your website should reflect that.

Maintaining your website doesn’t just mean updating the content on it. website maintenance plans, and the technology running them, are constantly evolving and getting better.monthly website maintenance plans is regularly updated to not only enhance and add new features, but to fix errors and exploits in the code that can allow hackers to hack your site and inject malicious code. Don’t think your site can get hacked?

Number of websites that get hacked. Every. Single. Day. Don't let your website be one of them.

30,000 websites get hacked every single day because of these kinds of exploits. Sometimes malicious code will be injected and then sit on your site for months quietly collecting data and sending users to malicious websites. Search engines like google find these hacked sites and flag them, which can seriously hurt your search engine rankings. It’s also pretty embarrassing when a client tries to get to your site and ends up on some explicit website.

That’s why it’s so important to keep your website’s software and plugins up to date and to check regularly for any malware on your site. 

Of course, as a business owner, you most likely don’t have time (or the know-how) for this. That’s why we offer Website Maintenance Services Long Island that take care of all your content and software updates – and protect your site from malware, so you can rest easy knowing your website is taken care of and in good standing.

Rest easy knowing your sites in good hands. Start with a maintenance plan for website today.

What's included in our web site maintenance plans

Website Updates

This includes adding or editing content, blog posts, and products. Up to 2 hours per month on a standard plan.

Software Updates

We keep all plugins and software working on the site up to date with the latest versions to ensure the site is fully functional and safe from hackers.

Malware Protection and Removal.

We set your website up with malware protection that constantly scans for malicious files and blocks hacking attempts. We also clean up any malicious code.

That’s over $500 of maintenance a month all for only $99/month.

Choose the website maintenance plan that's right for you

Not sure? Let us help you choose a plan that’s right for you.

Frequently Asked Maintenance Plan Questions

I don't think I'll be making updates that often. Do I really need a maintenance plan?

Even if you don’t make content updates, we still go in monthly and update all your software, plugins, and do a thorough system scan to ensure there is no malware and everything is performing at optimal level.

Sites that don’t get updated regularly and that don’t have malware protection are highly susceptible to getting hacked. This can lead to lost business and cleaning up a hacked site can cost several hundreds to thousands of dollars…this alone makes the maintenance plan a vital asset for your website.

What happens if I want updates but don't want to purchase a maintenance plan?

We’re happy to help with any updates or malware cleanup you may need, however you save substantially with a maintenance plan.

For services alla carte:

Website content updates: $100/hr

Software/Plugin update: $100

Malware Removal: $300+

As you can see, you’ll save a lot by having a plan in place.

Do unused maintenance hours roll over to the next month?

No. We’re offering these plans at very discounted prices, so hours cannot be rolled over. As a reminder, every month, whether content updates are made or not, we still update all software and plugins, scan the system for malware and clean up any malicious files.

Why only 2 hours of content updates a month?

We’ve found in our experience this is more than enough time per month to make content updates for most websites. If you feel your website will need more than this, contact us for a custom plan.

Can I cancel anytime?

You are not obligated to renew your plan. 6 months plans require a 6 month commitment while yearly plans require a yearly commitment and there are no refunds on any plans. You are benefitting with a 6 month or yearly plan by saving up to $199.

A website is just the first step in establishing your business' online precense.

Consider these additional services to get the most out of your website.


Website Speed Optimization

Website loading too slow? Fast website load speeds are crucial for minimal bounce rates and for higher search engine rankings. We can help mark your website lighting fast.

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Website Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

The most beautifully designed website wont do anything for you if no one is seeing it. We’ll come up with a unique SEO strategy for your business so it can be found online by your ideal target audience, complete with monthly reports so you know exactly whose finding you online and how.

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How do I make my website ADA compliant

ADA Compliance

Making sure your website is easily accessible to anyone with disabilities is important to make sure you’re reaching all your potential clients and avoiding any possible legal issues. We’ll get your website ADA compliant in no time with one simple, low-cost fee.

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