How To Ensure Your Website Brings You More Business

October 23, 2019

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Your website is your business’ modern day calling card. It’s an absolute MUST in the digital age we live, no matter the type of business you have. But just having a website isn’t enough! You have to make sure your website is doing what it’s supposed to do-bringing your business more business!! Here are some quick tips to ensure your website is working for YOUR business!

1. Make contact info super easy to find!!

Numbers should appear at the top of each page. Call to actions should be on the footer of all pages!! Make it super easy for a potential client to contact you!

2. Keep the most important info ABOVE the fold!!

That’s the area of the screen a person will see before scrolling! Before doing any scrolling at all someone should know what your business does and how to contact you.

3. Put information that will help people actually find you online!!!

Give your site pages titles that make sense and fill them with content using keywords you want to show up in search results for! For instance, are you a plumber in Hempstead, New York?? Make sure the words plumber and Hempstead, New York show up at least several times across your site!!

4. Make sure your site looks great on mobile!!!

70% of all browsing today is done on mobile devices so make sure your site looks great on phones and tablets! This means easy to read single column text and big easily clickable buttons.

5. Make sure your website loads fast!!!

Most people will leave site if it doesn’t load in under 5 seconds or less. So make sure you’re not overloading your site with huge files or images or things that will slow down load times!


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